Shuttermom University

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Momo's "Little Cowboy

" This is my grandson. He is a hoot and we had a blast taking this picture... I cherish every minute I have with him and my other 4 grandchildren. They are so special and so innocent...Remember to always love them, cuddle them and spend lots of time with them. I don't get to spend near as much time with the others as I do Cowboy but hopefully one day I can. I tried my best to talk my kids in to paying "Mommy Support" now that they are all grown but thy are just not buying into it.hmmmmmm I just don't I would have so much more time to spend with them... Ummmm Maybe that is what they are afraid of. What do you think? Okay let me have it I can take it.......Smiles and God Bless you All

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rest in Peace

I just got the news last night that my dear friend Lisa lost her husband. They were married just over a year ago and I had the honor of taking their engagement pictures. Heath was so full of life and his love for Lisa and her children was written all over his face.

My husband and I have been married almost three years and this has been a reminder to me to cherish every moment I have with him. You just never know when the Lord is going to call you home. I can't imagine my life without him and my heart is just broken for Lisa or as my husband so lovingly called her "Miss Priss" So "Miss Priss" if you are reading this just know we love you and you are in our prayers.

Monday, March 30, 2009

One more for Ms. G.

I can't help myself she is just so adorable....Okay I just gotta tell ya this little girl just stole my heart....She is so cute....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rodeo Queen 2009

Last but not least here is the 2009 Hopkins County Rodeo Committee "Rodeo Queen".

Beautiful Beautiful Miss. B. What more can I say she is just drop dead Gorgeous....I had so much fun taking your photos and yes I got one of you on your horse....just check it out at "Online Reviews"

I will be posting more of these later so keep checking back.

On another note. If you are looking for a great Mother's day present then just give me a call. Mom's always like pictures and I also have some great Purses and Totes you can personalize with your photo.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Junior Queen 2009

Drum roll please.... announcing Miss Hopkins County Rodeo Committee "Rodeo Junior Queen". Cowgirls don't cry you say. Well Miss J. had a good reason to shed a few happy tears as she received her crown. Her face I will never forget as they announced her name.. Glowing does not even begin to describe it.

If you have never been to a rodeo, you should go. If for no other reason than just to see these girls. They work so hard and I got a front row seat, well maybe not a seat but I was right down there in the arena with them. Thanks Miss J. for letting me be a part of your big moment......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh my

I have been had. The fire has been lit and my darling sweet daughter has let me know (very nicely mind you) that I have been lagging in my blog posts. What she doesn't realize however is I am a busy woman and.... well... hmm okay I guess there is just no excuse is there. Dejah I promise to do better. Please forgive me.

Okay all joking aside I have really been lax and didn't realize how long it had been since my last blog till she so graciously brought it to my attention.

So I will start with Miss G.

Is this not the most gorgeous little princess you have ever seen. Yes she won Miss Hopkins County Rodeo Committee "Rodeo Princess 2009" and I had the privelage of taking her photos and she is a doll..Miss G please come back for more.....